Cystic Ovaries and Ayurveda
Yes, it is possible to get rid of the ovarian cyst through Ayurveda because the treatment method consists entirely of balancing the doshas.
Ayurveda believes that our body is governed and governed by Tri Doshas-Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
To have a healthy body and life, the dosha must be balanced, the imbalance, the vice of the doshas leads to different health ailments.
Today we are talking about ovarian cyst and how it can be treated with Ayurveda.
What is the ovarian cyst according to Ayurveda?
According to Ayurveda, all diseases are due to imbalanced doshas and ovarian cysts, according to Ayurveda, it is included in Kaphaj granthi-granthi aartav dosha.
Aartav according to Ayurveda is “ovaries” and granthi is “cyst or the extra mass”. According to Ayurveda literature, the formation of cysts and fibroids is due to an imbalance of kapha dosha, along with disturbances of pitta and vata dosha.
According to Ayurveda, ovarian cysts are the obstruction or increase of doshas in artava vaha srotas. Ayurvedic treatment balances and pacifies the stale doshas that are the cause of the cyst and also removes the blockage.
What causes ovarian cysts?
The ovarian cyst is the result of the menstrual cycle that women have every month. The follicles are produced in the ovaries, one of which matures into an egg.
This is a normal and healthy process, but in certain cases the follicles do not fill with fluid and it becomes a cyst. Apart from this dermoid reaction, it can also be the cause of the ovarian cyst.
What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst?
- Pain due to cyst rupture, bleeding due to cyst
- Abdominal pain
- Back pain
- Swelling
- Indigestion
- Difficulty emptying the bladder
- Urge to defecate
- Frequent urination
- Excruciating pain in the pelvic area
- Difficult bowel movements
- Painful intercourse
- Expansion of the abdomen
What are the risk factors for an ovarian cyst?
Hormonal imbalance due to fertility intake.
Pelvic infection can be a reason for cyst formation.
At the time of pregnancy, the cyst may develop on your ovaries.
What is the Panchakarma procedure for ovarian cyst?
There are many ways to treat and get rid of ovarian cyst that will help to overcome ovarian cyst symptoms. Panchakarma is the best method, very beneficial and useful to detoxify the body internally, which removes toxins from our body.
Yoga can also help in the treatment of ovarian cyst because it is the best and most beneficial way to balance hormones.
The ovarian cyst is the cause of a hormonal imbalance. There are different asanas in yoga that help to treat it.
Butterfly asana
Sit in a position where the soles of your legs touch each other, support your feet with both hands, and keep your spine erect.
Pull your legs inward toward your pubic area as close as possible.
Inhale deeply and lift your legs parallel to the ground (feet still touching the ground), exhale and bring your legs back to the normal position.
It is advised to practice this for 5 minutes.
Dhanurasana or the bow pose
You need to lie down on the floor / mat or on the floor and relax into the pose when your chest and abdomen are in contact with the floor.
Raise your legs until they are clear of the mat. Try to touch your ankles with your hands and pull them up as far as you can comfortably.
It is recommended to practice this 3-4 times.
Navukasana or the boat pose
Lie in a relaxed position on the yoga mat in a position where your chest and abdomen are facing the ceiling.
Try to lift your body and touch your knees with both hands. Only your buttocks should be on the mat. Stay in the position until you feel comfortable.
It is advisable to practice 3 to 4 times.
Chakki Chalanasana or the movable grinding wheel
Sit in a relaxed posture on the mat. Spread your legs and try to bring your hands together in the forward direction.
Try turning your hands clockwise 3-4 times (the movement should be similar to beating a mill) change the direction to the left and
It is advisable to practice it 3 to 4 times.
Cobra pose or Bhujangasana
Lie in the pose when your chest and abdomen are facing the floor. In the asana you need to lift the upper body and stretch it back as far as possible.